Deviated Septum Treatment: Effective Solutions Explained

A deviated septum can lead to numerous issues, including difficulty breathing, frequent sinus infections, and even sleep disruptions. If you're struggling with any of these symptoms, you may benefit from deviated septum treatment at Dion Health Services. Non-surgical treatments for a deviated septum include medication like decongestants, antihistamines, or nasal steroid sprays. These can help manage symptoms but won't correct the deviation itself. Exploring these options with your healthcare provider is essential for finding the best approach for your situation. In more severe cases, surgery may be the only viable solution. Surgical procedures such as septoplasty not only improve airflow but can also significantly enhance your quality of life by alleviating chronic symptoms. Investing time in exploring both surgical and non-surgical treatments could pave the way to a healthier, more comfortable life.

What Is a Deviated Septum?

A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall between your nostrils is displaced to one side. This can result from birth defects, injury, or other conditions.

Common Deviated Septum Causes:

  • Congenital condition: In some cases, a deviated septum will be present from birth.
  • Injury: A deviated septum can sometimes be caused by trauma to the nose.
  • Aging: Changes in nasal structure over time can sometimes result in a deviated septum.

Deviated Septum Diagnosis:

  • Physical Examination: An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist may be able to diagnose a deviated septum through a visual exam.
  • Imaging Tests: In some cases, tests such as X-rays or CT scans may be required to diagnose a deviated septum.

A deviated septum can lead to sleep difficulties, including sleep apnea, and can worsen allergy symptoms. Understanding the potential causes and symptoms can help you seek appropriate treatment for a deviated septum.

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Deviated Septum Treatments

Depending on your personal preferences and the severity of your deviated septum, there are several treatment options worth considering.

Non-Surgical Treatments:

  • Corticosteroid Sprays: Corticosteroid sprays are used to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, improving airflow.
  • Oral or Nasal Decongestants: Oral and nasal decongestants can reduce nasal congestion and improve breathing.
  • Allergy Medications: For some patients, allergy medications can help reduce symptoms of a deviated septum. This treatment option is only viable if allergies are contributing to nasal congestion.
  • External Nasal Dilators: These adhesive strips are applied to the outside of the nose to help open nasal passages and improve airflow during sleep.
  • Air Humidification: Using a humidifier to add moisture to the air can reduce nasal dryness and improve breathing.

Surgical Treatments:

  • Surgical Correction: Septoplasty is the most common surgical procedure to straighten the deviated septum, improving airflow and reducing symptoms.
  • Turbinate Reduction: Turbinate reduction surgery is often performed alongside septoplasty to reduce the size of the turbinates and further improve airflow.
  • Endoscopic Surgery: This minimally invasive procedure uses an endoscope for a less invasive approach to correcting the septum and any related nasal obstructions.
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Why Choose Dion Health Services for Deviated Septum Treatment

At Dion Health Services, our multidisciplinary team includes several renowned ear, nose, and throat specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in helping patients improve their breathing and airflow. Our clinics are equipped with the latest medical technology, ensuring precise diagnosis and effective treatment options. Our providers and dedicated staff members consistently approach patient care with respect, compassion, and transparency. They will go above and beyond to provide you with a comfortable, stress-free treatment experience that yields the superb results you deserve.

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