Achieve Better Oral Functionality With a Lingual Frenectomy

If you’re experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea or other difficulties regarding oral function, a lingual frenectomy procedure may be a solution to consider. A lingual frenectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove or modify the lingual frenulum, the small fold of tissue connecting the underside of your tongue to the floor of your mouth. This procedure can significantly improve speech, eating, and oral hygiene for those with a tongue-tie (ankyloglossia). It can also help to open up the airway, which can help reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. If you or your child struggle with restricted tongue movement, a lingual frenectomy at Dion Health Services might be the solution you need.

What Is a Lingual Frenectomy?

A lingual frenectomy is a surgical procedure designed to treat a condition called ankyloglossia, also known as “tongue tie.” This condition occurs when the lingual frenulum, a piece of tissue beneath the tongue, is too short or tight. As a result, the tongue’s movement can become restricted. A lingual frenectomy works by removing or modifying the lingual frenulum to improve oral function and address speech, eating, and sleep apnea issues. The procedure usually involves a minor surgery under local anesthesia. It can be performed using traditional surgical tools or with a laser for precision and minimized bleeding. Recovery is typically quick, with patients often resuming normal activities within a few days.

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Lingual Frenectomy for Sleep Apnea Treatment

Lingual frenectomy is beneficial for individuals suffering from sleep apnea. A tight lingual frenulum can restrict tongue movement, leading to airway blockages during sleep. By removing or modifying this tissue, you can experience improved airflow and reduced sleep apnea symptoms. In some cases, the procedure can be part of a broader treatment plan for sleep apnea, including CPAP therapy or other surgical interventions. Our sleep apnea specialists at Dion Health Services can consult with you about the procedure and evaluate your unique situation to determine if a lingual frenectomy is right for you.

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What to Expect During Your Lingual Frenectomy Procedure

A lingual frenectomy is a relatively straightforward surgical procedure, but it's essential to understand the steps involved and determine if you are a suitable candidate. After you’ve had your initial exam and consultation, your lingual frenectomy procedure at Dion Health Services will likely consist of the following steps.

  • Administration of Anesthesia: Typically, local anesthesia will be administered before the surgery to ensure the process is comfortable and pain-free. 
  • Incision: Using a scalpel, laser, or electrocautery, your surgeon will make a precise cut to carefully release the lingual frenulum.
  • Suturing (if necessary): Finally, stitches may be needed to close the incision.

The entire lingual frenectomy process usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Postoperative care will be crucial for optimal healing, and you may need to be monitored for up to a few hours after the surgery. 

You may experience slight swelling or discomfort in the days following your surgery, but these symptoms should be manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers. Practicing good oral hygiene and following your provider's recommendations will ensure a smooth recovery.

Are You a Good Candidate for Tongue Tie Release??

If you're experiencing symptoms of ankyloglossia or “tongue tie,” you may be a good candidate for a lingual frenectomy. Determining if you are a candidate involves several factors, and a consultation with one of our skilled specialists at Dion Health Services is the first step. They will evaluate the condition of your lingual frenulum and how it affects functions like breathing, speech, eating, or oral hygiene. It will also be important to consider the following factors:

  • Degree of restriction: How much the frenulum limits tongue movement.
  • Symptoms: Sleep apnea, speech impediments, difficulty swallowing, or dental issues.
  • Age and health: Though suitable for all ages, individual health conditions play a role in your candidacy.

If your provider determines that a lingual frenectomy can improve your quality of life, they will work with you to curate a personalized treatment plan for the procedure.

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Why Choose Dion Health Services for Your Lingual Frenectomy Procedure?

Choosing Dion Health Services for your lingual frenectomy ensures you receive top-notch care from qualified professionals. Our multidisciplinary team features several renowned specialists with expertise in sleep apnea and oral health. They will go the extra mile to ensure that you have a comfortable, stress-free treatment experience and receive the exceptional results you deserve. We believe that our advanced technology, our understanding of complex cases, and our access to the best labs in the world are all factors that set us apart from other providers.

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