Breathe Easier While You Sleep With Myofunctional Therapy

If you've been struggling with symptoms like disrupted sleep or orthodontic complications, myofunctional therapy could be a game-changer. This type of therapy at Dion Health Services offers effective exercises to address and correct poor oral and facial muscle function. Many people are unaware of how their tongue and facial muscles can affect their breathing, sleeping, and even dental health. The goal of myofunctional therapy is to improve your quality of life by addressing the root causes of these common issues.

What Is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is an exercise-based treatment aimed at improving the function of the muscles you use for chewing, swallowing, and speech. You may be interested in myofunctional therapy if you experience symptoms of sleep apnea, such as breathing issues, snoring, or lack of energy caused by poor sleep. This type of therapy focuses on retraining the tongue and orofacial muscles to achieve optimal function.

Key Goals of Myofunctional Therapy:

  • Correct Tongue Position: Myofunctional therapy aims to ensure the tongue consistently rests in the ideal spot in the mouth.
  • Improve Breathing: These exercises are designed to promote nasal breathing and reduce mouth breathing.
  • Enhance Swallowing: This type of therapy facilitates proper swallowing techniques.

Myofunctional therapists design individualized exercise programs based on your specific needs. Each session may involve activities like strengthening exercises for the tongue and facial muscles. These exercises are usually simple and can be performed at home.

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Treating Sleep Apnea with Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy focuses on strengthening the muscles of the mouth and throat. This can prevent airway collapse during sleep, reducing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) symptoms. Using exercises to improve the function and tone of these muscles, myofunctional therapy can help in keeping your airways open. Common Exercises Used in Myofunctional Therapy:

  • Tongue Positioning: Keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
  • Mouth Breathing: Training you to switch from mouth breathing to nasal breathing.
  • Swallowing Practice: Improving your swallowing technique.

Through consistent practice, myofunctional therapy can lead to long-term improvements. Adopting a routine of daily exercises is essential. Working with one of our sleep apnea specialists can help you learn the correct techniques and ensure progress. Detailed guidance from a professional can help refine your approach, enhancing effectiveness.

Consulting with a myofunctional therapist will provide you with a personalized plan tailored to your needs. At Dion Health Services, your provider will assess your specific condition and create a therapy program that fits your lifestyle. Regular follow-ups will allow for adjustments and make it easy for your provider to monitor your progress.

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Are You a Good Candidate for Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy can be beneficial for various individuals, but it's essential to identify if it's right for you. If you experience chronic nasal congestion or mouth breathing, you might benefit from this therapy. These habits can lead to improper tongue posture and affect overall oral function. You may also find myofunctional therapy helpful if you snore or suffer from sleep apnea. Improving muscle tone in your orofacial region can alleviate these conditions. When you sit down for a consultation with one of our sleep specialists, they'll evaluate your symptoms to determine if myofunctional therapy is right for you.

Why Choose Dion Health Services for Myofunctional Therapy?

When considering myofunctional therapy, Dion Health Services is a top-tier option. Our practice features a multi-specialty team of skilled professionals dedicated to improving your health. We have several qualified providers specializing in sleep apnea, and they'll work with you to curate a personalized care plan designed to greatly improve your sleep habits and quality of life. A key benefit of treating sleep apnea at Dion Health Services is our comprehensive approach. We integrate various techniques to address issues like tongue posture, breathing patterns, and muscle function to ensure more thorough and effective treatment.

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