Start Enjoying More Restful Sleep With NightLase

Sleep apnea is a widespread condition that affects the ability to breathe while you sleep. This can prevent you from getting quality rest, leading to reduced energy during the day and other physical and mental health issues. If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, you may be able to benefit from NightLase therapy through Dion Health Services. NightLase is a revolutionary, non-invasive laser treatment designed to reduce the effects of snoring and sleep apnea.

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What Is NightLase?

NightLase is an innovative laser treatment that targets the tissues in your throat to alleviate snoring and sleep apnea. The procedure utilizes a gentle yet effective Er:YAG laser, which heats the tissues of the airway, resulting in a tightening effect that can reduce breathing problems.

Key Points about NightLase:

  • Non-Surgical: There is no cutting, which means you face minimal discomfort and no downtime.
  • Fast: Each NightLase treatment session typically lasts only 20 minutes.
  • Series of Treatments: For optimal results, you typically need a series of three sessions over a two-month period.

Benefits of NightLase

NightLase therapy offers several key benefits for individuals dealing with snoring and sleep apnea. These benefits include the following:

  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Unlike surgical options, NightLase does not require incisions or anesthesia, which means there is no need for a lengthy recovery period.
  • Short Sessions: The treatment typically involves short sessions spread over a few weeks, making it convenient for you to fit into your busy schedule.
  • No Devices Needed: With NightLase, you don’t need to wear any cumbersome devices during sleep, such as CPAP masks, offering you comfort and freedom.
  • Immediate Results: Many patients report an improvement in their snoring after the first NightLase session, allowing for a better night’s sleep almost immediately.
  • Safety: NightLase is known for its high safety profile, as it uses gentle laser energy to achieve its results, minimizing the risk of complications.

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What to Expect During NightLase Treatment

When you undergo NightLase therapy at Dion Health Services, you can expect a straightforward and comfortable process.

Before the Procedure

  • Consultation: You will have a discussion with one of our sleep apnea specialists to ensure that you’re a suitable candidate for NightLase and to explain the procedure.

During the Procedure

  • Duration: Each NightLase treatment session typically takes about 20 minutes.
  • Sensation: You may feel a gentle warming sensation during the procedure as the gentle laser is applied to your skin.
  • Position: You will be comfortably seated or reclined during the treatment.

Safety Measures

  • Eye Protection: You will wear protective goggles to avoid any eye damage during the treatment session.
  • Cooling: The laser has a built-in cooling mechanism, which will ensure your comfort during the procedure.


  • Frequency: A series of three treatments over two months is typically ideal for NightLase treatment.
  • Maintenance: Follow-up NightLase sessions may be needed approximately every 6 to 12 months.


  • Recovery: Minimal to no downtime is required after NightLase treatment.

Who Is a Good Candidate for NightLase?

NightLase therapy can be a safe and effective treatment option for many people experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea. You may be a good candidate for NightLase if you meet the following criteria:

  • You Experience Snoring: If your snoring affects your sleep or that of others, NightLase could be beneficial.
  • You Seek a Non-Surgical Option: If you prefer avoiding surgery, NightLase serves as a non-invasive alternative to procedures like UPPP or radiofrequency tissue ablation.
  • You Have Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea: Patients with less severe obstructive sleep apnea may find relief with NightLase, often in conjunction with a CPAP machine.

Before undergoing NightLase, proper assessment by a healthcare professional is crucial. Additionally, it’s essential that ideal candidates for the treatment are in generally good health and have realistic expectations.

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Why Choose Dion Health Services for Your NightLase Treatment?

Dion Health Services is your premier choice for NightLase treatment due to our integration of expertise, advanced technology, and a patient-centric approach. We have a multi-specialty team with expertise in a wide variety of modern treatments and procedures, allowing us to curate comprehensive, personalized treatment plans for every patient. Our dedicated practitioners will work closely with you to help you improve your quality of sleep as well as your overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions NightLase

How long can I expect the results of NightLase treatment to last?

Are there any known side effects associated with NightLase therapy?

What are the potential risks of undergoing NightLase?

How long can I expect the results of NightLase treatment to last?

The effects of NightLase therapy are generally not permanent. You can typically expect the results to last up to a year. However, this varies among individuals, and follow-up treatments may be advised to maintain the benefits.

Are there any known side effects associated with NightLase therapy?

NightLase treatment is considered to be safe with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience slight redness or soreness in the treated area, but these effects generally subside quickly.

What are the potential risks of undergoing NightLase?

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks with NightLase, though they are rare. These may include tissue irritation, discomfort during the procedure, or, in very uncommon cases, a slight change in the patient’s bite or voice.

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