Same-Day Crowns, Inlays, and Onlays: Quick, Efficient Dental Solutions

When it comes to dental restorations, same-day crowns, inlays, and onlays offer efficient and effective solutions. You no longer need multiple dental appointments to restore your tooth's function and appearance. These advancements in dental technology provide convenience without compromising quality. Our tooth restorations offered at Dion Health Services can save you time and reduce the need for temporary fixes. They allow you to enjoy the benefits of restored teeth with fewer appointments, leading to improved oral health and greater comfort in your daily life.

Same-Day Crowns

Same-day crowns offer convenience by allowing you to get a dental crown in a single appointment. Traditional crowns require multiple visits, but same-day crowns leverage CAD/CAM technology. This stands for computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. The process starts with your dentist taking a digital impression of your tooth. Next, the software designs the crown based on this scan. Once designed, the crown is milled right in the dentist's office.


  • Time-saving: Only one visit is needed.
  • Comfort: No need for temporary crowns.
  • Precision: Digital impressions are often more accurate.

Materials used:

Same-day crowns can be made from a variety of materials, like ceramic and zirconia. These materials are both durable and match the color of your natural teeth.

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Same-Day Inlays

Same-day inlays offer a fast and efficient solution for restoring damaged teeth. Typically made from ceramic or composite resin, these inlays fit precisely into your tooth cavities. Using CAD/CAM technology, your dentist can design and fabricate the inlay in one visit. This means there's no need for temporary restorations or multiple appointments. The process begins with your dentist taking a digital scan of your tooth. This scan is used to design the inlay on a computer. Next, the designed inlay is milled from a block of ceramic or composite resin. This step ensures a precise fit. Once milled, the inlay is bonded to your tooth using strong dental adhesives. The result is a restoration that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. Advantages:

  • Time-efficient: Completed in a single visit.
  • Precision fit: Custom-made for your tooth.
  • Durable materials: Made from strong ceramic or composite resin.
  • Aesthetic: Matches the color of your natural teeth.

With same-day inlays, you can address dental issues quickly while maintaining the appearance and function of your natural teeth.

Same-Day Onlays

Same-day onlays are a convenient dental option for restoring partially damaged teeth. Onlays cover the damaged area and extend over one or more cusps of the tooth. They offer a middle ground between fillings and crowns. The process of getting a same-day onlay involves the following steps:

  • Digital Scan: Your dentist uses a digital scanner to create a 3D model of your tooth.
  • Onlay Design: The onlay is designed using computer-aided design (CAD).
  • Fabrication: The onlay is milled from a ceramic block using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).
  • Placement: The dentist bonds the onlay to your tooth immediately.


  • Time-efficient: Completed in a single visit.
  • Durable: Made from strong materials like ceramic.
  • Aesthetic: Color-matched to your natural teeth.

Same-day onlays provide a practical solution for a long-lasting and visually appealing dental restoration.

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Are You a Good Candidate for Same-Day Tooth Restoration?

Same-day tooth restoration can be an excellent option for many individuals dealing with significant cavities or damaged teeth. Your dental health impacts whether this procedure is right for you.

You may be a good candidate if you have healthy gums and sufficient bone structure. These factors are essential for a successful restoration.

Same-day crowns, inlays, or onlays may be right for you if you're dealing with any of the following issues:

  • Cracked teeth
  • Fractured teeth
  • Large cavities

These treatments can also be beneficial if you have a busy schedule, as same-day restorations reduce the need for multiple appointments.

Health Conditions to Consider:

  • No severe gum disease
  • No substantial jawbone loss
  • No untreated dental infections

Your initial dental exam and consultation will help your provider determine if same-day tooth restoration is right for you. If you choose to proceed, they'll work with you to curate a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals.

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Why Choose Dion Health Services for Same-Day Crowns, Inlays, and Onlays?

Choosing Dion Health Services ensures you receive top-notch dental care with advanced technology. Our clinics use state-of-the-art equipment, allowing for precise, same-day tooth restorations with minimal downtime and exceptional results. We have a multidisciplinary team of expert dental professionals specializing in many types of care, including orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, and restorative treatment. At Dion Health Services, we put the needs of the patient above all else, consistently delivering personalized care in a comfortable, stress-free environment.

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