Restore Your Healthy Gums With Gum Surgery in Orinda

Gum surgery, also known as periodontal surgery, is an important medical procedure aimed at treating gum disease and other related issues. If left untreated, serious gum problems can lead to tooth loss and other health complications. You may be a good fit for gum surgery in Orinda with our team if non-surgical treatments have not been effective in maintaining your gum health. At Dion Health Services, we offer modern gum surgery techniques performed by our renowned dental professionals.

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What Is Gum Surgery?

Gum surgery refers to a variety of procedures aimed at treating conditions affecting your gums. These surgeries are performed by skilled periodontists, specialists in gum health.

Types of Gum Surgery:

  • Gingivectomy: Removing diseased gum tissue.
  • Gingival Flap Surgery: Cleaning the roots of teeth and repairing bone damage.
  • Gum Grafts: Covering exposed roots for both aesthetic and health reasons.

Conditions Commonly Treated With Gum Surgery

Gum surgery can be performed to treat a variety of oral health issues, including the following:

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease is one of the most common conditions that gum surgery addresses. If basic treatments fail, surgical procedures like flap surgery or bone grafts may be necessary.

Gingival Recession

Gingival Recession involves the gum tissue pulling back from the teeth. Gum graft surgery can help cover the exposed roots and prevent further deterioration.

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile is an aesthetic issue that can be corrected using gum contouring procedures. This enhances your smile by reshaping the gum line.

Advanced Gum Disease

Advanced Gum Disease sometimes leads to damaged bone and tissue around your teeth. Surgical interventions can rebuild this support.

Gum Infections

Gum Infections may require draining and cleaning through surgical means to eradicate the infection effectively.

Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned Teeth sometimes cause gum issues. Corrective surgery can also address these problems, improving both your dental alignment and gum health.

Root Coverage

Root Coverage procedures can protect exposed roots, reducing sensitivity and improving aesthetics.

Gum Overgrowth

Gum Overgrowth due to medications or conditions is another issue that can be treated with gum surgery. Surgery can remove excess tissue and improve oral hygiene.

Tooth Loss

Tooth Loss can sometimes be a problem that requires gum surgery. Dental implants often need sturdy, healthy gums, and gum surgery may prepare your mouth for these implants.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Gum Surgery in Orinda?

If you have advanced periodontal disease, you might be a good candidate for gum surgery. This condition often causes significant damage that requires surgical intervention. Gum recession is another scenario where gum surgery could be beneficial. When your gums recede, your teeth can become exposed, leading to increased sensitivity and risk of decay.

Persistent inflammation and infection that do not respond to non-surgical treatments may also necessitate gum surgery. This type of severity indicates that deeper cleaning and repair are essential.

In some cases, smokers and diabetics who struggle with periodontal health may find gum surgery to be an effective option for managing their condition. However, it's crucial to maintain excellent oral hygiene post-surgery to prevent complications.

You may also be a good candidate for gum surgery if you have aesthetic concerns regarding your gum line. Correcting uneven gum lines can enhance your overall appearance and greatly improve your smile.

If you believe that gum surgery in Orinda coulda be right for you, you'll need to sit down for a consultation and exam with one of our periodontal specialists. They'll evaluate your unique circumstances and goals to determine if gum surgery is the best choice for you.

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Why Choose Dion Health Services for Gum Surgery in Orinda?

At Dion Health Services in Orinda, we are a multi-specialty practice offering a wide range of modern dental treatments. When you choose our clinic for gum surgery, your procedure will be administered by a qualified specialist with a wealth of experience in periodontal care. They'll provide you with a personalized treatment plan and ensure that your procedure goes smoothly and significantly improves your oral health and quality of life. At Dion Health Services, our core values are trust, respect, and high-quality care, and those values are at the forefront of everything we do.

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